The Seven Parts of a Perfect TEMPO Swing

Golfers can use TEMPO to maximize the consistency of their swing (with more distance coming from better contact), and also add distance to their clubs over a period of time.  TEMPO uses your own swing speed to provide personalized feedback cues while you swing, maximizing speed at impact and reducing off-center hits.  This blog will explain all of the parts of a golf swing and how to use TEMPO feedback to ingrain a perfect swing.

Parts of A Golf Swing

Every golf swing has the following parts, and TEMPO will show you how to execute them as a single fluid motion.  All professional golfers have exactly the same tempo in their swings, although their speeds and movements are not identical.  This is because there is an optimal way to perform the coiling and uncoiling motion of a golf swing to accurately deliver as much force as possible to the golf ball.


Before you start your TEMPO practice session, you should turn on TEMPO using the power button, and place TEMPO on your glove hand, so that the side of TEMPO with the swing button and LEDs is on the inside of that wrist.

ADDRESS. Before you press the swing button on the TEMPO device, you should already have completed the first part of the golf swing, ADDRESS.  At ADDRESS, you should be in a relaxed athletic position facing the ball, with your toes, knees, hips and shoulders parallel to an imaginery line from the ball to the target.  You should be bent at the waist, with your arms hanging loosely.  Depending on the club you are using, the ball should be closer to your back foot, your target foot, or in the middle.  Your grip should also be neutral, with each thumb on top of the club.  There are many golf manuals available to provide more details on addressing the golf ball.  

When you have completed addressing the ball, use the thumb on your non-gloved hand to press the TEMPO swing button, and retake your grip.  TEMPO will give a 3-second countdown, with a buzz and red LED flash on each second, from 3, 2, 1..

TAKEAWAY.  After the 3 red LED flashes and buzzes, TEMPO flashes green and buzzes to signal you to start your TAKEAWAY.  To start the TAKEAWAY, the golfer should use their “big muscles” (hips and shoulders) to start to move the club away from the ball, while maintaining straight arms and little wrist movement.  When the club has reach a point that it is parallel to the ground, the club face should be pointing at the sky.  The golfer continues this movement with the 

REMAINING BACKSWING.  After the club passes the point of being parallel with the ground, the golfer continues swinging the club back along the same circle, twisting around the spine.  The wrist hinges (moves back) as the backswing progresses, and the back arm starts to bend as the back elbow stays close to the body and the front arm stays extended.  At the final backswing position the wrists should be fully cocked, the club should be parallel with the ground pointing at the target, and the back arm should be positioned much like a waiter holding a tray.  The body should not slide from side to side during the backswing, but should rotate around the spine.  When the golfer reaches the parallel club position the backswing should be complete, and no more distance will be gained from trying to coil further.  With a smooth, well-timed backswing, the TEMPO should not yet be buzzing or lighting up.  After the backswing is complete, the next phase is the

TRANSITION.  TEMPO will also remain silent while you perform your TRANSITION.  The TRANSITION is a momentary pause between the club moving on the REMAINING BACKSWING and the DOWNSWING.  During the TRANSITION the lower body should start to unwind first towards the target, followed immediately by the torso starting to unwind.  Then, the back arm starts to drop, which begins the DOWNSWING.  Your TRANSITION should be timed so that TEMPO starts to buzz again at the exact moment you complete your TRANSITION and begin the next phase, the

DOWNSWING.  If your TRANSITION was timed correctly, the start of your DOWNSWING was accompanied by a continuous buzz, as well as 3 GREEN LEDs lighting in a row.  TEMPO will continue to buzz as your DOWNSWING continues, with the GREEN LEDs going out one at a time.  You should maintain the hinge in your wrists as long as possible to maximize speed, waiting to release the hinge so that there is extra speed when the club is hitting the ball.  At the instant the buzzing stops and the last GREEN LED goes dark, you should reach

IMPACT.  The long TEMPO buzz is designed to show you how long your DOWNSWING should take from the beginning of the DOWNSWING until IMPACT.  Pay attention to this long buzz, and match the beginning of the DOWNSWING and end of the downswing (IMPACT) with the TEMPO buzz.  When you match this timing, you are delivering the optimal force to the ball.  After impact, complete your

FOLLOW THROUGH.  During the FOLLOW THROUGH, you want your body to follow the ball “down the line”.  To do this, you’ll want your weight moved onto your front foot, your belt buckle (or belly button) pointing to the target, as well as your chest.  You should stay balanced and finish with your arms rotating through and finishing on your front shoulder.  The club should point behind the player and the hands should be behind the head and/or on the shoulders.


There are many variations in the exact movements that people perform in these phases, but all of these phases are always performed in the same order.  Also, there is a proven optimal timing, or tempo, for the sequences to occur.  TEMPO utilizes these facts to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of your individual swing.  Simply practice based on the cues given to you throughout each swing, and your golf game WILL improve.  Guaranteed.